August Check In: 2020 Can Still Be Your Best Year!

If you had a chance to see my last few Instagram posts or YouTube Videos you’re aware that I’m participating in VEDA (Video Every Day in August) on YouTube which means I’ll be posting a video on YouTube every day during the month of August.  INSANE right?  I know. 

This had me thinking about YOUR goals for August.  Have you set them?  And most importantly, have you set weekly and daily goals to help you achieve your monthly goals?  As an Influencer with 16.4K followers and a YouTuber with around 500 subscribers and 7K views in less than two months, my main goal is still GROWTH.  YUP, not more campaigns, not more likes, not more affiliate links so that I can earn commission.  My goal is simply GROWTH.  Because with GROWTH all of those things I just mentioned, will come anyway. 

On page 16 of my eBook, I showed my actual Instagram Insights where I gained 452 followers in one week in April.  I then went on to gain almost 800 followers that month. I went over everything that I posted that particular week compared to other weeks.

I also reviewed some of the social media accounts of people that purchased my eBook and I think we share the same goal of GROWTH.  Today, I’d like to share two quick tips to help you grow your own following or explain why you’re not growing as fast as you could be on social media. 

Daily In-Feed Posts:  I share A LOT in my Instagram Stories because I want to stay connected to my audience, but guess what – it does not help my growth.  I repeat:

instagram Stories does NOT help my growth 

When you visit a new profile, what entices you to follow their page?

(1)   Whether their account is private or public (honestly, if your account is private growth will NOT happen) 

(2)   The type of pictures/videos they post (does it relate to you)

(3)   How often they post (no sense in following someone that posts once a week)

(4)   Captions (are they short and catchy, lengthy and inspirational, or no captions at all)

(5)   Bio including profile picture (what will I gain by following this account)

In rare cases, I watch their Instagram stories to see what they’ve recently posted, but my decision to follow their account is largely based on their in-feed pictures.  This is why consistently posting to your feed, is crucial! 

Instagram Videos:  YES, I went there!  So many of US (myself included) do not post videos.  WHY? Because it’s uncomfortable, it’s new territory, it’s hard to create/edit and we don’t know what to do in a video.  Trust me, I’ve been there.  BUT, videos are necessary, so GET COMFORTABLE being uncomfortable.

This month, I challenge you to post every day to your Instagram page and if you don’t post videos, posting at least two for the month of August.  When posting, make sure your picture is of good quality and compliment it with a caption that will resonate with your audience. 

If you need help doing this, I go into detail on Page 9 of my eBook. I gained 15K followers in a little over 2 years of Influencing. Most Influencers take YEARS to get to this level. I’m proof that, It’s ATTAINABLE. My eBook is currently on sale for $40 for the next 72 hours! On Friday it will return to the normal price.

Simply Influencing: A Beginner's Guide To Influencing

Most Influencers wait years before they secure paid campaigns. I began receiving paid campaigns within my first year. I grew quickly and I want to show you how to do the same. There’s definitely a method and I figured it out when I gained 452 followers in 7 days. I break down everything I did in those 7 days. I’m providing you with all the tips and tricks that helped me, including; my 12 biggest mistakes, where I spent the bulk of my money, Instagram insights, do hashtags matter, 10 tips for growing your following, my favorite apps, how to properly add spaces to your captions and much more.